Friday, February 8, 2013

Refresh Hay Day Newspaper

When I go through the Hay Day newspaper, I tend to wish there was some way to refresh or recycle it faster than 3-4 minutes.
A thought struck me to turn off my iPhone, and turn it back on. When I reopen Hay Day, it connects and reloads. And I hit the newspaper, and voila, it's changed to a new set of sales.
I have an iPhone 5, 32gb. So this happens pretty quickly for me. And I also don't have a lock code on my phone - so I just slide the bar to access my iphone.
I tried this on my son's iPad as well, and that big newspaper that iPad users get also refreshes and changes up.
This may be old news to some of you, but it's new to me!
Not sure how this method works for iPhone 4 users though.
My brother on the other hand, who still uses an iPhone 3 for Hay-Daying, prob won't be doing this method, because it will take for-EVER, and a day.
But just to let you know, even when you refresh and change up the newspaper, the next bunch of sales aren't much better than previous of its during the bacon/egg sale or just veggie sales.
But make sure you re-connect and re-load for the newspaper to re-fresh.
Practice this and you can refresh pretty quickly.
However, this does require some awkward maneuvering - my right upper arm is now kind of sore after 5 minutes of refreshing a newspaper selling nothing but bacon and eggs.


  1. I think I've done this way too often, my off/on button at the top of my iphone isn't working properly anymore.

  2. You can just hard shut the app down to get a refresh too.

  3. I know this is an old post but going to settings (the gear button) and changing the language refreshes the paper.
